Pursuant to our code of ethics and legal rules, this platform is designed as a secure space for the internal, external and occasionnal staff to submit reports and exchange confidential messages.

On this platform you may report the existence of behaviours or situations that contravene the public interest and which you personally know about or have witnessed. Your identity will remain confidential when reporting an alert and throughout the procedure to process your alert.
Organisation profile

Organisation GIFI ASIA

Video presentation

To know

Each report has its own discussion system that allows messages to be sent and received. These exchanges take in account the choice of the  notifying party, if he/she has decided to remain anonymous.  

Only  designated referents will receive the information contained in the form that you are going to complete and send us. You will be able to track your report and communicate with the referent(s) with the confidential code that is generated by the platform when you submit your report.

Each report will be subject to rigorous analysis and a detailed internal audit.